Academic Integrity: The Case of a Private Institution in the City of Barranquilla.

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Anabella Martinez Gomez
Monica Patricia Borjas
Jose Joaquin Andrade


Higher education institutions (HEI) have the responsibility of educating competent citizens that guide their actions through ethical principles. Academic fraud, understood as any action that attempts against the legitimacy of academic work on the part of students or professors goes against this mission. Different studies have shown that this phenomena is prevalent in HEI manifesting itself in various forms. These studies point out to the following factors contributing to academic fraud on campus: student perception of their peers’ behaviors and of the policy in place to prevent fraud and the forms and frequency of student assessment. This paper presents the results of a study conducted at a HEI in the city of Barranquilla that aimed at describing the typology, incidence, prevalence, level of fraud and its causes from the perspective of the students. The results confirm the findings from other studies and points out the need for further research in students’ perception on the level of fraud of certain activities and the influence that assessment may have on fraud.


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Author Biographies

Anabella Martinez Gomez, Docente investigadorauniversidad del norte

Ed,D, Profesora Investigadora.Departamento de Educación, Universidad del Norte.
Km. 5 Vía Puerto Colombia. Barranquilla,

Monica Patricia Borjas, Docente InvestigadoraUniversidad del Norte

Ph,D, Profesora Investigadora. Departamento de Educación , Universidad del Norte.

Jose Joaquin Andrade, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Mg, Profesor del Departamento de Humanidades y Filosofía de la Universidad del Norte.
Km. 5 Vía Puerto Colombia. Barranquilla, Colombia.


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