Exploring Communicative Competence Development in an EFLT Classroom at Proyecto de Cursos Libres de Idiomas Extranjeros (Universidad del Atlántico)

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Wilmar Salazar Obeso


The present article is intended to report on a study carried out with students of level three at Proyecto de Cursos Libres de Idiomas Extranjeros de la Universidad Del Atlántico. The research focused mainly on describing how the materials and the methodology implemented by the teacher contributed to the development of the students’ Communicative Competence. To reach that research objective, a qualitative approach along with an ethnography-case study design was used. Observations, interviews to students and the teacher, and were employed as data collection instruments. The results showed that due to the limited scope of the material on the construct of the Communicative Competence and the teacher’s wrong notion of this competence, there was a precarious balance for the development of the Communicative Competence.


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Author Biography

Wilmar Salazar Obeso, Docente catedrático del Programa de Lenguas Extranjeras

Docente catedrático del Programa de Lenguas Extranjeras


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