Social pedagogy in front of society’s inequalities and vulnerabilities

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Xavier Úcar


Social pedagogy has been defined as the search for pedagogical solutions to social problems. A current social pedagogy acts with subjects who live in highly complex sociocultural contexts, whether or not they suffer from problems derived from it. From these premises, the question arises: what can social pedagogy do with people who suffer from problems of inequality and vulnerability? The hypothesis is that it can do less than desirable. The objective of this text is twofold: to generate arguments that sustain this hypothesis and help, at the same time, the professionals of the socio-educational intervention, to carry out (1) a more accurate reading of the realities in which they act, and (2) to develop more effective, equitable and sustainable actions. This means relating pedagogy with politics and pointing out the functions and dysfunctions that occur between them in situations of inequality and vulnerability. occur in such situations should have.



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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Xavier Úcar, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Doctor en Pedagogía. Catedrático de Pedagogía Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Presidente de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social.


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