The language of school textbooks and the ideology of science

Contenido principal del artículo

Margaret Gillian Moss


Much research has been devoted to problems related to the comprehension of science textbooks...However; less attention has been paid to their representation al science as such. This paper presents aspects of research aimed at characterizing the Language al texts used in social and natural Science courses, and its influence on learning processes. One central aspect is the worldview implicit in the language. This was investigated through analysis al transitivity and ergativity, grammatical metaphor and modality. Results suggest that science is presented as a series al events, classifications and definitions, in an impersonal context Science as human activity is absent The results al scientific Endeavour are presented as unquestionable facts Thus, the learner is excluded /ram participation in scientific activity and restricted to the role al passive observer. This, combined with the power hierarchies inevitably involved in classroom interaction, leaves the leaner in a position al helplessness in the /ace al a knowledgeable elite.



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Artículo de investigación
Biografía del autor/a

Margaret Gillian Moss, Universidad Del Norte

Profesor Emérito (Instituto de Idiomas)  Profesora departamento de lenguas,

 PhD (Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos Latinoamericanos)

Asesora, Programa Institucional para la Eficacia Comunicativa (Instituto de Idiomas) posición invitada  


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