No. 16 (2012)



David J. Luquetta Cediel, Antonino Vidal Ortega
Editorial No.16
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Artículos de Investigación

Rodolfo De Roux
From “Catholic Nation” to “Pluricultural Republic” in Latin America. Some historical considerations
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Antonino Vidal Ortega, Marlem Uribe Marenco, Giuseppe D'Amato
Planeando la ciudad. Planos de la constructora Parrish a mediados de siglo XX. Vidal, Uribe & D'Amato
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Joaquín Viloria
Caribe sin guayabera. Joaquín Viloria
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Guissepe D'Amato Castillo, Antonino Vidal Ortega, Edwin Forbes Castillo
Italia en Barranquilla. Año de 1938. Vidal, D'Amato & Forbes
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Odette Marie Yidi David
Reinventando tradiciones
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Alejandro Mario Diaz Diazgranados
Así concilian los pueblos Koguis en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Alejandro Diaz Diazgranados
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Roger Pita Pico
Diligencias de secuestros practicadas en 1820 por las autoridades republicanas de Mompós en contra de los españoles opuestos a la causa patriota. Roger Pita Pico
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Juan Marchena Fernández
Revisiting a classic: James Burney and A History of the buccaneers of America. A definitions of the world at the beginning of the 19th century
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Luis Alfonso Alarcón Meneses, Celmira Josefa Castro Suárez
Pedagogical challenges and theoretical perspectives of intercultural education in the Colombian Caribbean
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Guissepe D'Amato Castillo
Un ocaso poco premeditado:Barranquilla en las puertas del capitalismo industrial, 1873. Giussepe D'Amato
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Carlos Andres Orozco Cuello, Ivonne Molinares Guerrero, Eliana Sanandres Campis
Colombia, Panama and the Pan-American Highway: Agreements and Desagreements
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Roicer Alberto Flórez Bolívar
Agricultural economy and commercial circuits in the sovereign state of Bolívar, 1857-1886
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Julián Andrés Lázaro
Foreign presence in Barranquilla: the case of the Germans, their economic activities and the end of their influence in the Caribbean city, 1930-1941
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Willian Alfredo Chapman Quevedo, Ángela Lucía Agudelo González
“that the Mayor make destroy thatched houses”: The process of urban transformation in Barranquilla at the end of nineteenth century and in the beginnings of twentieth
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Ana Ribeiro Gutiérrez
Territoriality and fiction: an entente between Montevideo españolista focus and the isolated assumption?
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