The Pólya method as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the competence to solve mathematical problems with basic operations

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Doris Yaneth Peñaloza Gélvez
María Luisa Meneses Espinal


The investigation was based on the Pólya method used as a strategy to improve the problem solving skills in basic mathematical operations within third and fourth grades elementary school students at Colegio Municipal Aeropuerto; using a qualitative design in an action research approach. The results show the students understand the problems header, however it is necessary to be aware of their difficulties with the data analysis and choosing the strategy for the solution and the right Algorithm. Taking the last considerations it was possible to implement some activities to create a sequentially structured model to improve the needed skills for each of the steps used in this method. This investigation provided the students the necessary tools to understand and solve the mathematical problems, improve their skills and motivate them to face new challenges without the fear always associated the mathematics during school years.


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Author Biographies

Doris Yaneth Peñaloza Gélvez, Docente de aula Colegio Municipal Aeropuerto. San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia.

Docente de aula Colegio Municipal Aeropuerto. San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. 


María Luisa Meneses Espinal, Docente de aula secretaria de Educación Cúcuta.

Docente de aula Colegio Municipal Aeropuerto.San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia.  


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