When Reading and Writing Conspire with the Senses and the Words Are Immersed in the Music, the Written Text Comes to LifeWhen reading and writing conspire with the senses and the words are immersed in the music, the written text comes to life

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Claudia Lucia Rugeles Rey
Claudia Marcela Callejas Velasco


ABSTRACTThe initial stage of human development, the main concern in the early years of school life is the process of reading and writing. While it is true that reading and writing are two skills that go hand in hand in the student ?s learning process, it is essential to focus on the special pedagogical interest exercises can enhance the performance of the communication process in different social contexts.It is fundamental to achieve better results in the process of reading and writing school skills, the teacher must impact the nervous system of students by activating intelligence, which is the key to solve problems through the learning process. This is how the senses can be connected with reality, to promote knowledge. In this way, the pertinence of music is established to capture the attention, the emotions, the de-duction and the reflection of the message that bring the lyrics of the songs to generate new texts that capture their own ideas, the emotions and the lifetime experiences. Because of them, music becomes a link between reality and the interests of students and it can be used with didactic ma-terial to work on lexical, grammatical, phonetic and cultural aspects.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Lucia Rugeles Rey, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia

Docente- Magistra en Educación (Santander), 

Claudia Marcela Callejas Velasco, Instituto Promoción Social de Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia



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