Mathematical talent program in basic education

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Cristianne María Butto Zarzar
Joaquín Delgado


A study on the identification and development of mathematical talent in elementary and se-condary school students is presented and based on the Renzulli’s School Enrichment Model. The methodology used was mixed type with concurrent embedded design of dominant model. The two stages of the study consisted of: (a) detecting students with mathematical talent in basic and secondary primary education in terms of generalization processes; and (b) designing and imple-menting an extracurricular enrichment program with students of basic and secondary primary education In terms of generalization processes in eXpresser and Google Maps environment, as well as in the Excel spreadsheet. The extracurricular enrichment program proved effective as the students managed to move towards multiplicative thinking.


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Author Biographies

Cristianne María Butto Zarzar, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Unidad Ajusco, México

Profesora Titular C, Área Académica 4, UPN-Ajusco, México. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Nivel I, Cuenta con Perfil PRODEP-SEP. 


Joaquín Delgado, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Ciudad de México, México.

Doctor en Ciencias (Matemáticas), Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. 


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