Reflective Practice at the Iberoamericana University: Formative Routes and University Reflection Area (ARU)

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María Ofelia Béjar López Peniche


Reflection has been central theme within the educational project of Mexico City’s Iberoamericana University. The University is well known for the integral humanist formation of it’s student body.

A professor can’t guide effectively his or her students towards reflection, if he or she have not had the previous experience required to do so. Which is why, there’s an Institutional interest in following this development line.

The formative routes of reflective practice, are a model for the teacher’s training program, that guides and conducts professors towards auto-reflection as well as conscientious continuous reflections of his or her actions; before, after and during class. Therefore, he or she can propose effective innovations and changes, to improve their strategies and develop the competency level required by the students. It’s based on the Methodology of experience based learning developed in the proposal of Donald Scho?n the reflection professional.

The ARU’s mission, is the well-rounded, integral, humanist formation of the students, based in a profound reflection regarding the human reality in all it’s complexity. Thanks to professors trained on reflective practices, supported by a syllabus which’ll guide the students to take free & responsible decisions.


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Article Details

Dossier de Prácticas Reflexivas
Author Biography

María Ofelia Béjar López Peniche, Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.Ciudad de México- Tijuana

Universidad Iberoamericana AC Ciudad de México Dirección de Servicios para la Formación Integral Académica de Tiempo completo, formadora de profesores y del ARU, Área de Reflexión Universitaria.


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