Relationship between Bullying, Cyberbullying and Self-esteem: Prevalence and Associated Factors in Colombian Adolescents

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Glenis Bibiana Alvarez-Quiroz
Manuel Francisco Guerrero Martelo
Sandra Patricia Algarín Alcalá
Rosa Daisy Zamudio González
Nery Isabel Sánchez Márquez


The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between Bullying, Cyberbullying, and self-esteem in adolescents from three Colombian cities: Monteri?a, Villavicencio, and Barranca- bermeja. The study is quantitative, descriptive-correlational. 460 students were evaluated using the Cyberbullying: Peer Bullying Screening test and the Rosenberg self-esteem test. Results show that adolescents in all three cities with normal self-esteem do not have cybervictimization pro- blems, while those with low self-esteem do, and those with medium self-esteem are at risk of cybervictimization. Among the conclusions, we find that 31.08% of adolescents have or are at risk of having problems related to Bullying and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying on social networ- king sites (for example, Instagram Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, instant messaging) goes beyond the limits of time and space. Studies have shown that the participation of adolescents in violen- ce is due to several factors, including adolescence itself, substance abuse, family conflicts and

violence, exposure to violence and situations of violence or marital conflict, which can induce violent behaviors in teenagers. The already known relationship between Bullying, Cyberbullying, and self-esteem is confirmed, therefore, it is suggested that intervention programs that target victimization by harassment take into account characteristics of self-esteem, both the victims’ and the aggressor’s.


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Author Biographies

Glenis Bibiana Alvarez-Quiroz, Universidad del Sinú

Facultad de Educación y Ciencias humanas, Departamento de Informática. Doctora en Ciencias sociales, niñez y juventud, Universidad de Manizales, magíster en Desarrollo educativo y social, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá, licenciada en Informática educativa y Medios audiovisuales, Universidad de Córdoba.
Correo electrónico:; gbalvarez@co

Manuel Francisco Guerrero Martelo, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Montería

Programa de Derecho. Psicólogo Universidad de los Andes, doctor en Sociología jurídica e instituciones políticas, Universidad del Rosario. Investigador asociado Colciencias. Actualmente es profesor tiempo completo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Montería.

Correo electrónico:


Sandra Patricia Algarín Alcalá, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Montería

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas y Departamento de Psicología. Psicóloga de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y magíster en Psicología de la Universidad del Norte.
Correo electrónico:


Rosa Daisy Zamudio González, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Villavicencio

Doctora en educación, magíster en educación de la Universidad Santo Tomás, especialista en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos y psicóloga de la Fundación Universidad Incca De Colombia.
Correo electrónico:


Nery Isabel Sánchez Márquez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Barrancabermeja

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, especialista en docencia universitaria de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y Psicóloga de la Universidad de la Sabana.
Correo electrónico: 



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