“Microteaching among university students: connection between first and third year students of English teaching training programme and reflection of teaching performance through video”

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Ezia Roxana Valenzuela Giovanetti


This experience describes the use of videotaped microteaching as a tool to develop self-reflection of student-teachers’ performance in an English teaching training program for elementary and secondary education.

The pedagogical use of video has allowed student-teachers to identify essential elements of their professional performance throughout their teacher training, providing significant evidence of recognition of their strengths and needs for improvement. This identification and awareness of relevant aspects of their teaching, permits students to produce substantial changes in their peda- gogical work. In this way, analysing videotaped microteaching promotes the construction of student-teachers’ professional identity, and it leads to the development of a reflective habit around the impact of the pedagogical practice in the learning process of their students.

Some students of EFL methods course, perform a 10-15 minute-microteaching to their fellow students in the program (freshmen and sophomore) who are part of the Language and Communication in English course, and, also, record this pedagogical instance in order to conduct an exhaustive performance analysis, as well as a self-reflection through a specific assessment rubric.

As a way of providing senior students with a real context to perform their microteaching, teachers from the Program organize different opportunities to microteach their first-year classmates. Students of both levels of the program have been able to give an account of their perceptions regarding the microteaching experience, as well as describing the strengths and flaws during their initial teacher training process.


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Author Biography

Ezia Roxana Valenzuela Giovanetti, Universidad Mayor

Docente de Didáctica de la Lengua Extranjera, Planeamiento curricular y Formación Inicial Docente en Universidad Mayor (Chile). Doctora en Planificación e Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de Alcalá (España). Magister en Planificación y Gestión Educacional (Universidad Diego Portales- Chile). Profesora de inglés y Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura inglesa (PUCV- Chile)   Correo electrónico: ezia.valenzuela@umayor.cl   ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2917-3573   Sitio web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ezia_Valenzuela    


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