Systems thinking; a path to leadership and educational change

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Juan David Parra


This article critically reviews Haim Shaked y Chen Schechter’s book, Systems Thinking for School Leaders. Holistic Leadership for Excellence in Education. This work, published in 2017, introduces a novel overview of school leadership inspired by the paradigm of Systems Thinking. Rather than presenting a prescriptive type of analysis, the authors invite readers to rethink school directors’ role as part of a complex and adaptative system. The reflection on the book’s contents and sec-tions is complemented with some critical notes about current school management practices and challenges in a country like Colombia.


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Author Biography

Juan David Parra, IESE Universidad del Norte

Doctor en Estudios del DesarrolloProfesor asistente del Instituto de Estudios en Educación (IESE), Uninorte.   Correo: Orcid:    


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