Written and Oral Comments in Peer Text Review in a Thesis Writing Circle

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Luisa Josefina Alarcón Neve
Karina Paola García Mejía


Writing groups are valuable support spaces for researchers in training, due to the collaborative dynamics between peers that arise within them. One of these is the review of text progress, in which a cognitive scaffolding and social support networks are built for novice writers, as is the case of postgraduate students.

To learn more about the effectiveness of this collaboration, in this study we explore the characteristics of the comments provided by peer reviewers, master´s students, in a group of this type, identified as a thesis writing circle.

We analyzed the focus and function characteristics of local and global written comments in an asynchronous review of shared dissertation progress in a cyber space, and compared those characteristics with those of oral comments exchanged in synchronous sessions. We also observed if the reviewers justified their comments or not, depending on the kind of speech, written or oral, or the kind of scope, local or global, on the reviewed texts.

We found that only half of the local written comments were justified, while the majority of the global comments, written and oral, were indeed justified. Written comments, regardless of their scope, focused on formal and structural aspects, while the focus of attention was diversified in the oral comments. The implicit directive function was the most frequent in all types of comments, and in the global comments the appreciative function was also recurrent.


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