The development of a critical approach in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language: teaching beliefs

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Encarna Atienza Cerezo
M. Vicenta González Argüello


This article presents the results of an investigation carried out in the context of language teaching with the aim of approaching the beliefs that teachers have about the ‘critical’ concept, where these beliefs come from and how they incorporate activities that help the development of this concept in their classes. In order to achieve these objectives, data were collected from a qualitative methodological perspective, specifically, four in-service teachers with extensive training and experience were interviewed. The results obtained indicate the difficulty of defining the concept under study, as well as the variety of didactic proposals related to the attempt to develop the critical component in the language classroom. These results are in line with the diversity of theoretical disciplines that incorporate the critical concept, which makes it difficult for teachers to approach the concept in order to bring it coherently into the classroom in their didactic proposals.


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Author Biographies

Encarna Atienza Cerezo, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, España

Doctora en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Barcelona, (1999).

M. Vicenta González Argüello , Universidad de Barcelona

Doctora en Filosofía y ciencias de la educación (Filología Hispánica) Education por la Universidad de Barcelona, España.  


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