La atención a la diversidad en los centros escolares. Normalización e inclusión del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (ANEAE).

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Claudia María Pernas Pico


Changes in society and in schools in particular have involved other changes in the organization of schools, that is what is known as attention to diversity, that means children with special needs educational support (ANEA). The principles of normalization and inclusion underpin the basic pillars of education for such students. The aim is to reflect on the education provided for teachers, more specifically, to the diversity that fills the classroom. It is a reflection from the daily practice, based on analyzing and deepening the center, the educational community, the faculty and parents, taking into account children with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities resulting from conduct with serious disorders, which deserve the best health education


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Claudia María Pernas Pico, Funcionaria de la xunta de galicia. Dirección: Rúa anxeriz nº3, portal 1, 1ºd, milladoiro, ames, galicia, España

Diplomada en E.G.B. Maestra Especialista en Audición y Lenguaje.


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