La lúdica en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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Xiomara Ramirezparis Colmenares


What we are trying to do is to offer students the strategy of the recreational use of mathematics education that help them to solve their problems in the different subjects from the Administration and Engineering programs from the Universidad de Santander, UDES, Cúcuta campus, due to their low level in the subjects.

Mathematics looks for involving students in a high new level of values and attitudes and also the use of strategies to help them develop their capacity to understand, associate, analyze and interpret the knowledge acquired to address the environment. The core of this text is to explain the recreational use of mathematics from the UDES' students in the Claudia Maria Prada School located in the poor zone of the city. It helps to improve logic thinking as they use mental processes for reasoning, obtaining information and taking decisions, and likewise,  


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Xiomara Ramirezparis Colmenares, universidad de santander

Docente de tiempo de completo de la universidad de santander, adscrita al departamento de matemáticas decanatura de administración e ingenierías. Docente investigadora, decanatura de postgrados e investigaciones. Ingeniera civil. especialista en evaluación educativa.
Especialista en gerencia de mercadeo


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