Incorporación de TICs en las actividades cotidianas del aula: una experiencia en escuela de provincia.

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Fernando Iriarte Diazgranados


In this article an experience carried out in a rural school is presented. The experience consists of implementing the Connections project in second, third and fourth grades of basic education. The project has been implemented in this institution since 2001 and has been developed by applying its basic strategies such as units of integrated learning and its collaborative projects, the diaries of the process, the use of the interface “La Pachamama”, the use of basic applications (Word, Paint, Power Point), the use of Internet and the socialization of activities with partners and parents. According to evaluation and self-regulation processes, the experience has achieved very positive results for each one of the actors participating in it: students, professors, educational agents and the institution in general.


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Author Biography

Fernando Iriarte Diazgranados, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Doctor en Educación. Profesor Universidad Del Norte.


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