La calculadora: Una fuente de exploraciones conceptuales.

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María Viñas De la Hoz
Patricia Navarro
Eugenio Ortega Collante


This article describes the advantages obtained when using technology, such as Calculator TI 92 Plus, in the development of mathematical reasoning, specifically of variational thinking. As an example, it is analyzed the work carried out by two groups of ninth grade students by using the calculator. The work consisted of solving problemsabout quadratic functions. By using dynamics resources from the calculator, they carried out multiple explorations leading to search solutions. The possibility of interacting with different registers . of representation was the key for students to achieve the representational fluidity, which facilitated the construction and articulation of mathematical concepts.


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Author Biographies

María Viñas De la Hoz, Universidad Del Norte.

PROFESORA CATEDRATICA en Universidad del Norte

Patricia Navarro, Escuela Normal Superior Santa Ana

Escuela Normal Superior Santa Ana

Eugenio Ortega Collante, Escuela Normal Superior La Hacienda.

Docente de la Escuela Normal Superior La Hacienda.


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