Communities of Practice with Information Technology in Supporting the Development of the Strategic Research Areas in Institutions of Higher Education

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Daniel Alberto Rubiano Arciniegas
Luis Carlos Gómez Flórez


Colombian Higher Education Institutions –HEI-, as key figure in the scientific and technological development of the country are coordinating their policies and strategic plans for research with the policies pursued by the national government about science, technology and innovation. As part of this joint are defining strategic areas and lines of research, which involves integration of both actors and sectors that may be inside or outside the HEI promoting knowledge transfer and interdisciplinary collaborative work. As a possible solution to this need for integration this article proposes to use Communities of Practice – COP - supported on information and communications technology-ICT.


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Artículo corto de resultados preliminares de investigación
Author Biographies

Daniel Alberto Rubiano Arciniegas, Candidato a Magister en Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática de la Universidad Industrial de Santander

Ingeniero de Sistemas egresado de la Universidad Industrial de Santander , actual candidato a Magister en Ingenieria de Sistemas e Informatica


Luis Carlos Gómez Flórez, Profesor Planta Universidad Industrial de Santander

Profesor planta de la Universidad Industrial de Santander , quien se desempeña como director del grupo de investigacion en Sistemas y Tecnologias de la Informacion - STI-



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