Critical literacy in higher studies: an analysis of an experience

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Leandro Carlos Arce


This article presents a preliminary report as a part of the research project named Critical Reading as a Strategy for Redefining the Literature Role in Language Teaching Class (U.N.Ca. – SeCyT),whose main purpose is to determine the causes of the gap between statements of pedagogical discourse and learning outcomes of students,and on this basis,to propose courses of action designed to remedy them. In this instance,my goal is to refer the results of the implementation of reading practices from a critical perspective,based on reading activities using the contributions of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).This experience has been applied to higher education entrants and uses texts from different genres, linked by a common topic.Preliminary results support the conclusion that the systematic training of further reading enables to create a more complete and complex semantic representation of the text meaning and,ultimately,they become a pedagogically useful device aimed for developing critical competence in students.


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Artículo corto de resultados preliminares de investigación
Author Biography

Leandro Carlos Arce, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina)

Profesor en Letras. Magíster en Teoría Lingüística y Adquisición del Lenguaje. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina.


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