Literary reading: contributions for literature didactics

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María Elena Hauy


This paper shows the results of a research about literary readings as school practice, particularly, in those spaces in which literature is taught, and in general, in the education of kids and teenagers. The objectives of this work are: firstly, to formulate a conceptual development of what is generally known as literary experience, considering the relationship of the reader`s subjectivity with the text, and consequently the role of imagination connected with the productive capacity of language. Secondly, to provide a theoretical explanation about the concept of what critical reading is; that is, to understand the meaningfulness of a text and its underlying ideological aspects. Data were collected through surveys, interviews, class observations and documentary analysis. The target population consisted of students of first semester of Humanities Program of Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina, and students of a secondary school. Analyzed educational practices represent good material to be included as concrete examples illustrating the aforementioned concepts.


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María Elena Hauy

Profesora Titular - Departamento de Letras - Facultad de Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Coordinadora subsede Cátedra UNESCO de Lectura y Escritura - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

Mgter. en Ciencias del Lenguaje – Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Cátedra UNESCO subsede Catamarca- Argentina. Fidel M. Castro 68 – Catamarca – Argentina. Subvención de Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología UNCa.       


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