On a concept of Law popularization in higher education

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Sandra Patricia Duque Quintero
Marta Lucía Quintero Quintero
Derfrey Antonio Duque Quintero


In this research paper the popularization of
higher education law is conceptualized and
founded. To achieve the overall objective
of this research: to base the popularization
of law in the university legal consulting, the
study starts from the tenets of university
teaching and critical pedagogy, which point
out at the duty of a training related to social
realities. Thus, from a qualitative study with
a hermeneutic approach, carried out in
three universities of Medellin (Colombia) it
had the participation of 22 professors, 69
students of the Law Faculties, and 75 users
of these universities legal consulting. We
conclude that a university legal consulting
office is the privileged place where students
are in direct contact with law reality and
problems. It also enables the formation of
popularizer students aware of their role in
society and the role that legal knowledge
has regarding the solution of real problems
of communities.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Patricia Duque Quintero, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctora en Educación, Magister en Derecho, Especialista en Gestión Ambiental, Abogada. Profesora-investigadora Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de Antioquia. Grupo de investigación Derecho y Sociedad y DIDES, reconocidos  Colciencias.


Marta Lucía Quintero Quintero, UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA

Doctora en Educación, Magister en Sociología de la Educación, Licenciada Geografía Historia. Profesora-investigadora, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Antioquia. Grupo de investigación DIDES, reconocido Colciencias.


Derfrey Antonio Duque Quintero, UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA

Doctor en Ingeniería, Ingeniero electrónico. Profesor Universidad de Antioquia y UPB. Grupo de investigación DIDES. Experto en popularización de la ciencia. 



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