Portfolio: a facilitator tool of change in higher education from the teaching practice.

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Hilda Rosa Guerrero Cuentas


This article is the result of the research project “The portfolio, teaching strategy, construction of knowledge, with teachers from the Specialization in Educational Studies of CUC”. This research project aimed at generating instructional strategies that contribute to the use of the portfolio by Specialization of educational Studies teachers, in their teaching practice, from a critical reflective view to build new knowledge. Central theoretical references are Rafael Porlán and José Martín (1993), who have developed different studies on the Portfolio Theory and Bernstein’s Pedagogical Practice (1993). The methodology was qualitative under the action research paradigm. Results show the importance of implementing the practice in the teaching portfolio as a pedagogical strategy to transform teaching practice that meets the needs of teaching from scripture, take a rethinking education in curriculum and pedagogical practice.


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Magister en Administración y supervisión educativa. Docente de tiempo completo de la Corporación Universidad de la Costa, CUC, Barranquilla (Colombia) Coordinadora académica, está suscrita al grupo de investigación GIDIPES- C.U.C.



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