Discovering my teaching features and their relation with my students ? learning: An autoethnography

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Andrea Maria André Arenas


The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research which explored the features of my teaching and the influence it had on my students ? language learning. Nine students: five males and four females from an English Beginners Level 2 course in a public university and me as a teacher researcher participated in this autoethnographic case study. Observation was conducted during four weeks in six class sessions, a focus group interview with the students was applied and journals from both the students and the teacher were collected. Data sources were videotaped, recorded and transcribed; they were coded and analyzed using qualitative methods. Results showed emergent patterns related to my teaching features such as my proactive side, my informality and affection; in regards to my students ? signs of learning there were elements such as learning from instruction, learning from co-construction and learning and performance. Findings indicated that between my teaching features and my students ? learning there was a relation in terms of my attitude, the way activities were presented and the classroom environment.


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Author Biography

Andrea Maria André Arenas, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Profesora de Inglés Independiente

Candidata a Magister en la Enseñanza del Inglés-Universidad del Norte



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