A Webquest tool to develop communicative competence in EFL students with an A2 proficiency level

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Gonzalo Camacho Vásquez
Leonor Portilla Arciniegas


The objective of this study is to develop the communicative competence in undergraduate A2 students of English as a Foreign Language, through the design and implementation of a WebQuest. The design is based on the principles of Communicative Language Teaching and Task-based Instruction. The conclusions show that the use of this tool not only develops the communicative competence, but also increases motivation in students, fosters critical thinking, promotes autonomous learning, and enables differentiated learning. There also exist some difficulties such the amount of time teachers need to devote to planning, the economical investment administrators need to make at acquiring equipment and internet connection, as well as at professional training in the use and design of this tool.


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Author Biographies

Gonzalo Camacho Vásquez, Universidad del Tolima

Licenciado en Idiomas Universidad Industrial de Santander. Magister en Educación Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Docente de planta de la licenciatura en inglés de la Universidad del Tolima.


Leonor Portilla Arciniegas, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Licenciada en idiomas Universidad Industrial de Santander. Especialista en pedagogía de la lengua escrita Universidad Santo Tomás Bucaramanga. Master Of Arts in teaching english to other languages— Greensboro College North Carolina USA. Directora del Instituto de Lenguas Universidad Industrial de Santander.



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