Case study with high school teachers: their competencies, challenges and experience

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Erika López Rodríguez


Educating is a complex but relevant task for social improvement. It is necessary to have an education of quality if the aim is to build a future where science, technology and moral values are the foundations of a society based on justice for everyone. However, this is not happening yet, neither with the structural reform of the system nor by using the evaluation on teachers. There are the same old vicious that have constructed the history of the Latin American education. A case study in a public night high school was conducted in order to know the Mexican idiosyncrasy, the way the lessons at public schools are developed, teachers’ reasons, motifs, justifications and ordinary stile of life, but especially to know teachers’ reaction to education reforms made by the Government. Conclusions based on the analysis of data gathered from the informants are shown at the end of the paper.



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Erika López Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.

Maestra en Investigación Educativa, Maestra en Filosofía, Licenciada en Filosofía, docente en el Colegio de Bachilleres.


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