Negotiating in the Colombian Caribbean region: approaches to the comprehension of the text and the context of a street pregon

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Clara Inés Fonseca


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This is a proposal for developing intercultural competences in students of Spanish as a foreign language. It examines the relationship between the text and the context of a pregon in the streets of Cartagena, Colombia, in order to understand the ways of negotiating in the Colombian Caribbean. The analysis is based on the genre—based approach (Eggins, 1994; Feez & Joyce, 2002) and the dimensions proposed by Hall (1976) to evaluate national cultures and thereby facilitate intercultural communication. The early conclusions show that the knowledge of the context of the situation is the only one that allows to recover meanings. Regarding the context of culture they show that the cartagenera is a society of high context, rooted in lasting attitudes and traditions, in the use of multiple forms of communication and in the negotiation of meanings implicit in relationships and situations.


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Clara Inés Fonseca, Universidad de Cartagena

Magister en Lingüística de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Filiación: Universidad de Cartagena.


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