Mediated reflective practice for English teachers in preschool and elementary education

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Ingrid Eugenia Cerecero Medina


The research described in the following pages refers to the application of the mediated reflective practice model with English teachers at the Pierre Faure and The Little Prince Institutes in the city of Morelia, Michoaca?n, Mexico. Its purpose was to verify the feasibility of using this model by English teachers of infant and elementary education from their training in the use of it as well as to analyze the reflection of the participants and the changes made both at the perceptual level and in their pedagogical practice. Mediated reflective practice is understood as a process of systematic reflection on the praxis of the teacher with the support of a mediator following 3 phases: knowledge, meaning, and resignification. The methodology was based on socio-critical theories such as action research and reflective practice, being a qualitative single case study. The results indicate that the model is applicable in the mentioned educational levels, and it promotes the teacher reflection to solve the problems related to the classroom. It is concluded that the attitude of the teacher combined with the accompaniment of the mediator are fundamental factors to achieve the development of this type of practice.


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Dossier de Prácticas Reflexivas
Author Biography

Ingrid Eugenia Cerecero Medina, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoPlataforma Internacional de Práctica Reflexiva

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (Línea de educación y cultura), Maestría en Comunicación y Tecnologías Educativas, Licenciada en Enseñanza del Inglés, Licenciatura de Contador Público. Actualmente trabajo para la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y la Plataforma Internacional de Práctica Reflexiva. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca (México).



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