Autobiography as an activating strategy for teacher reflection: challenges and opportunities

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Valentina Haas
Pamela Reyes Santander


Reflection is one of the most important competences in the life of a teacher, because regardless of the stage that it goes through, it emerges as the engine of its empowerment, growth and impro-vement. In this line, the present research focuses on the study of autobiography as a trigger for reflection in primary school teachers. For this, future teachers were asked to graph their self-per-ceptions, based on their experiences of good or bad performance in the area of mathematics. This was complemented with semi-structured interviews of an individual nature. The results show how reflection is activated by autobiography, which allows future teachers to understand why certain behaviors and dispositions to learn and teach and at the same time project possibilities in their upcoming practices as already trained teachers. The conclusions show challenges and projections where the reflection linked to autobiography opens diverse and interesting spaces for growth and improvement in the actions of the future professional task.


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Dossier de Prácticas Reflexivas
Author Biographies

Valentina Haas, Escuela de Pedagogía Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valentina Haas, profesora de Educación Básica con mención en Castellano y Ciencias Sociales. Doctora en Educación con mención en curriculum y Didáctica. Es profesora de planta de la carrera de Pedagogía Básica de Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Dentro de sus líneas investigativas se destacan la formación inicial docente y continua, en general y la mentoría, la reflexión, en particular. Es parte de la Plataforma Internacional Práctica reflexiva y miembro de la UNED- IUED.

Pamela Reyes Santander, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Coordinadora de matemática (unidad de curriculum y evaluación), Doctorado en Ciencia, Universidad de Augsburgo, Alemania.





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