Evaluative Research on a Project to Promote Reflection Levels in Teacher Training

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María Paola Ruiz-Bernardo
Rosa Mateu Pérez
Arantxa Baviera Serigo


Training a reflective teacher, who in turn will help his students to achieve reflective learning, is a task beginning on the first moment a student arrives in class, but actually peaking in the last years of their Education, when these students are doing their internship. The reason for this is that the dialectics between “thinking and doing” and “theory and practice”, which are the situations favouring the emergence of reflective practice, are initiated in the first steps of the exercise of their future profession. In this context, the main objective of the research we present is to evaluate an Action-Research project carried out with the aim to improve the practice of the Primary and Infant School Teacher’s Degree at Jaume I University (Spain), highlighting the development of reflective learning in practice. To do so, we seeked to observe the level of reflection of the students reflected in their practice reports (written document) and also to compare the results obtained with those of a previous study (Gregori, Ruiz, Colomer & Escobedo, 2015), identifying the factors which influenced the management of the improvement process established after the initial diagnosis. The main technique has been documentary or content analysis, observing student reports as an object of study. The sample consisted of 20 memories written by the students and randomly selected within a population of 527 memories.

Results show that 70 % of the memories analyzed are in the middle and upper levels of reflection. This is an improvement of 16 % in comparison to the previous study, and statistical analysis confirmed that this difference is significant. These results are considered as very favourable and confirm that the present work is being done in the right direction to encourage reflective practice in teacher training. The study carried out in two different years has the limitations of not using the same students as part of the sample, for this reason the randomization of the samples has been sought in both years, but the strength of the study comes from carrying out an evaluation of the program or process carried out and not of the participating students.


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Dossier de Prácticas Reflexivas
Author Biographies

María Paola Ruiz-Bernardo, Universidad Jaume I

Es profesora ayudante del Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar del Departamento de Educación. Es doctora por la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. Licenciada en Pedagogía, por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina). Diploma en Magisterio de Educación Primaria (Argentina). Tiene diversos postgrados en temas relativos a la intervención social en contextos socioculturales diversos y es mediadora intercultural. Centra sus líneas de investigación en la educación intercultural e inclusiva y el contexto social escolar diverso, como así también en la Innovación educativa para fomentar el Aprendizaje Reflexivo.


Rosa Mateu Pérez, Universidad Jaume I

Es profesora asociada del Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar del Departamento de Educación. Es doctora por la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón.


Arantxa Baviera Serigo, Universidad Jaume I

Maestra de Primaria, alumna de la Universidad Jaume I y colaboradora del Grupo de Innovación educativa.



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