¿Por qué aprenden los estudiantes? Los objetivos de logro y su relación con el éxito o fracaso escolar

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Mayilin Moreno Torres


This article presents an analysis of the relationship between achievement goals and school success or failure. The achievement goals are described in terms of why and how students try to attain their learning goals. In other words, these goals refer to the reasons why a student commits himself/ herself in a learning activity and the criteria that he/she uses to evaluate such activity. First of all, achievement goals are defined, then how the type of goals benefits or not the school success, and finally some recommendations are proposed about how to promote in our classrooms a kind of goals that might lead students to school success.


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Author Biography

Mayilin Moreno Torres, Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla-Colombia.

Msc. en Psicología de los Procesos Cognitivos, Especialista en
trastornos cognoscitivos y del aprendizaje y Msc en Proyectos de Desarrollo Social.

Profesora del departamento de psicología de la



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