Use of discourse analysis to enhance students' critical thinking skills

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César Enrique Maloof Avendaño
Maritza Housset Fonseca


This paper presents our proposal on how to use critical discourse analysis to improve students' critical thinking skills. Initially we briefly outline some concepts of critical thinking and critical discourse analysis, and then we propose a reading activity in which students analyze two different and contrasting texts that deal with oil spill issues. The activity is divided into three sections. In the initial section we suggest a pre-reading activity, in which students answer some questions to activate background knowledge. Secondly, we present a reading activity; in this reading activity students complete a table using a system for analyzing discourse, which is known as "appraisal". In turn "appraisal" is divided into affect, judgment, and appreciation, and each one can be either positive or negative; they show how the author feels about people and things. Finally, we suggest a post-reading activity in which students draw some conclusions based on their "appraisal" analysis. 


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Author Biographies

César Enrique Maloof Avendaño, Universidad del norte.

Especialista en la enseñanza del inglés. Magíster en educación con énfasis en la enseñanza del inglés.

Docente de inglés y español como lengua extranjera instituto de idiomas fundación Universidad del norte.  Doctor. en estudios hispánicos (Département de littératures et de langues du monde) Universidad de Montreal: Montreal, QC, CA

Maritza Housset Fonseca, universidad del norte.

Especialista en la enseñanza del inglés. Magistra en educación con enfasis en la enseñanza del inglés. Docente de inglés y de competencias comunicativas. Departamento de lenguas fundación 



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