La conformación de la antropoética a través de la tutoría académica en educación superior. El caso del posgrado

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Martín Manjarrez Betancourt
Víctor Manuel Alvarado Hernández


Now talking about violence, war, terrorism, climate change, environmental damage and deterioration of society is to speak of a humanitarian crisis. With the globalization going on the human loss through the hegemony of the market, technology, information, that can happen gradually or suddenly. In the times in which we lived it must conciliate the matter and the spirit, the nature and the culture, science and the humanities, causing an encounter between the technology and the humanism, integrating the memory and the project. Education consists of this, for that reason we think that the new paradigm of the education is the conformation of the antropoetica.


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Author Biographies

Martín Manjarrez Betancourt, Universidad Nacional Autónoma

Maestro en derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma

Actualmente es director general del instituto de estudios y desarrollo jurídico, director general del bufete jurídico “manjarrez & asociados s.c.”
de México (unam)


Víctor Manuel Alvarado Hernández, UNAM (México).

Licenciado en sociología, unam (méxico), Maestro en enseñanza
superior, unam (méxico). Profesor de la maestría en derecho y de la maestría en pedagogía, unam (méxico).



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