Proyectos en el aula: Cuidemos nuestro medio ambiente.

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Heidy Robles


Nowadays, it is necessary to find the way to engage students to both gain the language skills that they need and apply them in practical and meaningful ways. Project-based instruction boosts students' creativity and imagination and fosters hands on tasks that offer significant experience for language learners. Project work plays an important role since it provides a bridge between the genuine, natural, and real language. "It takes the experience of the classroom out into the world and provides an opportunity for informal learning". Fried (2002).This project is carried out by the fifth level students of the International Relations Program at Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia .This project combines the structure of content -based approach with the advantages of project-based instruction. The main goal is to maximize students' learning process through the use of community based projects.


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Artículo de investigación
Author Biography

Heidy Robles, Universidad del Norte.

Magister en educación con énfasis en enseñanza del inglés.  profesora del departamento de lenguas delinstituto de estudios en educación,



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