Influencia de la tecnología en el aprendizaje de cálculo diferencial y estadística descriptiva

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Rafael Escudero Trujillo
Humberto Llinás
Virgilio Obeso
Carlos Rojas


This article shows the results of the research: The influence of technology on learning of Differential Calculus and Descriptive Statistics in students of Engineering Basic Cycle. In order to achieve this aim, a quasi experimental design with control and experimental group and only one post test application was used. The Derive program was used in Differential Calculus, and the Statgraphics in Descriptive Statistics. It was found that experimental groups, in which students were taught with Derive and Statgraphics (N= 25 and N=25), had a slight better performance than that of students in control groups (N=22 and N=16) who were taught without using these programs, but there was not a statistically significant difference.



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Author Biographies

Rafael Escudero Trujillo, Universidad Del Norte.

Universidad Del Norte.

Humberto Llinás, Universidad Del Norte.

Profesor Titular (Matemáticas y Estadística),  Doctor (Matemáticas).

Virgilio Obeso, Universidad Del Norte.

Docente (Atlántico) ESPECIALIZACION EN MATEMATICAS (Atlantico)  Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física. (Atlántico)  

Carlos Rojas, Universidad Del Norte.

Universidad Del Norte.


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