Efectos de un programa heurístico sobre el pensamiento hipotético deductivo en estudiantes de primer semestre de ingenierías.

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Fernando Iriarte Diazgranados
Carlos Rojas Álvarez
Orlando Carrillo Sánchez


In this article, results of a study carried out in engineering first semester students of Universidad del Norte are presented. Its aim was to determine the effects of a heuristic approach program on students’ hypothetical deductive thinking. To do this, a pre and postquasi experimental design, with a non equivalent control group, was used. The sample of the experimental group consisted of 20 students, who were subjected to a program with a heuristic approach in Geometry during 10 class-weeks, with an intensity of 3 hours per week. Fifteen students (the sample of the control group) were not subjected to this program, but were taught the subject in the traditional way.

The heuristic approach program was based on Brunner’s cognitive theory, specifically on the way of enactive and symbolic representation, and on Alan Schoenfeld’s heuristics. Student’s t distribution was taken as model of statistical decision, in order to determine whether there were significant variations at the level of hypothetic deductive thinking. Findings of the study support the working hypothesis.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Iriarte Diazgranados, Universidad Del Norte.

Profesor del departamento de Educación, Universidad Del Norte.

Carlos Rojas Álvarez, Universidad Del Norte.

Magíster (Atlántico) . Profesor del departamento de matemáticas, tiempo completo.

Orlando Carrillo Sánchez, Universidad Del Norte.

Profesor del departamento de matemáticas,


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