Pre-reading skills of preschool students in the Colombian Caribbean region

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Luz Stella López Silva
Claudia Patricia Duque Aristizabal
Gina Lizeth Camargo De Luque
Evelyn del Carmen Ariza Muñoz
Melina Ávila Cantillo
Sally Kemp


This descriptive study uses a quantitative, cross-sectional design that reviews some pre-reading skills that account for student readiness in a sample of preschoolers from a low socio-economic background in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Several measures were used: DIBELS, PLS 4, NEPSY II and the BOHEM-3 to assess auditory comprehension, phonological awareness, speed of naming, speed of processing, and relational concepts. Results show that 70% of the students achieve average and above average results in auditory comprehension and knowledge of relational concepts. The rest of the skills show age-equivalent scores below expectations. Results reflect contextual differences, as a function of school, socio economic level, and socio demographic variables.


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Author Biographies

Luz Stella López Silva, Universidad del Norte

PhD., Universidad del Norte

Claudia Patricia Duque Aristizabal, Universidad del Tolima

Mg. Universidad del Tolima.

Gina Lizeth Camargo De Luque, Universidad del Norte

Mg. Universidad del Norte,

Evelyn del Carmen Ariza Muñoz, Universidad del Norte

Escuela de inteligencia emocional, Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia, Secretaría de Educación del Atlántico, Secretaría de Educación Distrital de Barranquilla, Secretaría de Educación Distrital de Cartagena, Secretaría de Educación de Ciénaga, Secretaría de Educación distrital de Cartagena, The Danielson Group, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha - Campus de Albacete, Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad del Norte, Universidad de Londres.



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