Imaginary of the mothers-students of Bachelor in Spanish and Literature about language development in children

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Laura Cristina Bonilla Neira
Martha Liliana Melo Villamizar


Currently, female students are living a new stage. This research article shows how Mother-Students (MS), specifically from the academic program Spanish and Literature at Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia), are part of a versatile new generation of women in a critical context (such as facing society as MS) that assist the development process of their children.
Essentially, the MS responded to questions related to the cultural practices performed with their kids, how they are accompanying their educational process and how they participated in the process of language development. The characterization of this scenario is shown, the analysis by categories from theories of language acquisition and the psycho-pedagogical development are exposed. The study was ethnographic with profound interview.


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Author Biographies

Laura Cristina Bonilla Neira

Licenciada en Español y Literatura Candidata a Magíster en Semiótica Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Martha Liliana Melo Villamizar, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Licenciada en Español y literatura UIS.



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