Skill of critical thinking for establishing a position on a subject in digital writing

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Gerzon Yair Calle Álvarez


This article is the result of an investigation which had among its objectives to strengthen critical thinking skills when writing digital texts in learning environments supported by Web 2.0 tools in a group of eleventh grade students. This article presents the results of the ability of critical thinking for establishing a position on a subject in digital writing. The approach taken in the study was mixed, involving 32 students, who for 11 sessions developed digital productions that could demonstrate the positions on a topic. The main results showed that it is possible to strengthen the establishment of the position on a subject in digital writing practices.


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Author Biography

Gerzon Yair Calle Álvarez

Licenciado en Español y Literatura, Magíster en Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia Medellín-(Colombia). Profesor de cátedra e integrante del grupo de investigación "Didáctica y nuevas tecnologías" de la Universidad de Antioquia.


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