The curriculum: Approaching perspectives to its comprehension.

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Margarita Osorio


This paper presents five possible, but not exclusive, perspectives about curriculum, attending to the inquiry on what curriculum is and which its nature is. The main outcome of the discussion leads to conclude that to delimit the curriculum concept is to restrict its complexity and its importance as a social practice, specifically in the field of educational practice, in the way which expresses the relation between school and society, theory and practice and the role of the participants of the educational institutions.


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Margarita Osorio, Universidad del NorteIESEUniversidad Simón Bolívar

Magister en Educación, Universidad de Antioquia, Licenciada en Educación, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Investigadora de la llínea de investigación en Pedagogía Infantil de la Universidad del Norte.


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