La política de primera infancia y las madres comunitarias

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Leonor Jaramillo


This article presents community mothers' conception of childhood, within the training program "Nichos Pedagógicos" directed by the Institute for Studies in Education, IESE, Universidad del Norte under the auspices of the foundation Promigas in 2007. This article reports concerning related contextual missional aspects of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare - ICBF - and the town of Pueblo Viejo, Magdalena (Colombia) place of origin of the participating community mothers, and then presents the related theoretical categories of analysis of the conception of children welfare by the Childhood Act since 2006. There is a section that describe the methodology used and other presenting the analysis of results. The last part of the report contains the conclusions and recommendations arising from this study.


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Author Biography

Leonor Jaramillo, Directora del instituto de estudios en educación de la universidad del norte.

Magister en educación


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