Una imagen enseña más que mil palabras. ¿Ver o mirar?

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Héctor Gerardo Sánchez Bedoya


This document shows the difference between looking at and watching; looking as a biological process belonged to all human beings who use the sense of sight. On the other hand watching is perceived as an intentional and reflexive process. In education it is different to say that an image were looked than an image were watched. photograph, movie, television, video, computer and Internet are media which have focused their functions on several approachs that has been given to both static image and that in movement. They have made possible the implementation of appropiate environments to improve the teaching-learning process. key words: To look, to watch, image, photograph, movie, television, computer, teaching-learning


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Ensayo teórico
Author Biography

Héctor Gerardo Sánchez Bedoya, inem Felipe Pérez de Pereira.

Magíster en comunicación educativa. Especialista en computación para la docencia. Licenciado en matemáticas y física. Tecnólogo en sistemas de información. Docente de educación básica y media del inem felipe pérez de pereira. Catedrático asistente de la universida tecnológica de pereira adscrito a la facultad de ciencias de la educación



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