La escritura como búsqueda de sentido

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Wilfran Pertuz Córdoba



This article shows some of the suggestions made to teach description in different school materials, and it proposes that the management of discursive operations in school be inscribed in discourse analysis framework. It also shows that in school background, description is given a status of a schema feasible of actualizing through a series of assigned steps. In this case, description does not have value in itself but it acquires value through the relations established with narration. In other words, it is not considered either a discursive operation or a competence with particular functioning, mechanisms and strategies, which has to be encouraged and developed in people. Findings highlight that the descriptive functioning, in the discursive practice, is presented structurally closely related to narrative. This is the reason for the methodological difficulty of separating and differentiating them exists in school materials yet.



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Ensayo teórico
Author Biography

Wilfran Pertuz Córdoba, Universidad Del Norte.

Departamento de lenguas,


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