El comentario crítico textual: un puente entre competencia lectora y escritora

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Carlos González Di Pierro


As we know,reading and writing are not simply techniques that we use to reproduce statements,but are real strategies that are essential for cultivating the world in which we are immersed.In this communication we analyze the Personal Critical Commentary Text,as an important tool for college students in order to use the language with intelligence and develop the natural human interest in the community.This work is intended to be a reflection that leads to establish that through the proper realization of the Textual Critical Comment, we will encourage necessarily greater reading and writing competence,and,therefore,communication of our university students because who is able to communicate, reads and writes with talent; in other words, it shows that you understand and express coherent and cohesive texts through a critical and personal use of the language.That is a matter that many of our students of the upper and middle level in the Latin American context suffer.


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Carlos González Di Pierro, Doctor en Didáctica de las Lenguas y sus Culturas

Profesor e Investigador del Departamento de Idiomas y de la Escuela de Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas de la Universidad Michoacana, México.



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