Training on the Working with Families for Early Childhood Education

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Bairon Jaramillo Valencia
Sonia Ruth Quintero Arrubla
Libia Elena Ramírez Robledo


This article is a product of the research named “Pedagogical Knowledge that Childhood Education Teachers Have in Terms of "Knowing and Doing", and the Coherence with the new pedagogical practices in early childhood of "Fundación FAN", which was written to resignify the professional profile and the occupation of the graduates from the "Funlam”. It is important to point out that in this text the category “Family Environment and its Relationship with the educational institution” is going to be taken into consideration, this is a qualitative research and is enrolled on the case study. The sample consisted of 47 early childhood education teachers. The data were collected through interviews, non-participant observation and discussion groups. The most important finding of this research is the disconnection between the teaching that university provides and the necessity of the socio-cultural context, in relation with family work.


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Author Biographies

Bairon Jaramillo Valencia

Licenciado en Educación con Énfasis en Humanidades y Lengua Extranjera-Inglés de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó  

Sonia Ruth Quintero Arrubla, Fundación Universitaria luis Amigó

Licenciada en Pedagogía Reeducativa de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Psicóloga social de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá (Colombia) Especialista en docencia investigativa de la Fundación Universitaria luis Amigó.



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