Empowering The Efl/EslClassThrough E-mail Activities
Contenido principal del artículo
This paper analyses the effect of using e-mail-based activities on EFL learning processes for developing writing and reading skills and enhancing metacognitive strategies. Our goal is to determine whether there is improvement in these skills and whether there is a change in their attitudes, beliefs, and motivation towards learning. Nowadays, there is a growing interest and motivation in using these activities for complementing the content of regular courses but, the questions are" will students enhance their learning through them? Will they become more autonomous and responsible for their learning process? Little research has been conducted to verify whether the use of these computers – based resources affect English learning positively. Therefore, we are currently carrying out a research on the systematic use of E-mail services in the EFL c1assroom to determine whether there is a significant improvement in the development of the writing and reading skills in English and whether there is a change in their attitudes, beliefs, and motivation towards learning.
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