El pensamiento matemático informal de niños en edad preescolar Creencias y prácticas de docentes de Barranquilla (Colombia)

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Karina Fernández
Iveth Gutiérrez
Margarita Gómez
Leonor Jaramillo
Manuela Orozco


In this study, some important aspects of mathematical teaching are described, because teachers use a great number of academic and empirical aspects that enrich pedagogical art. These, according to their daily occurrence, create beliefs and practices that identify each particular teacher. The study was descriptive and used a random sampling by choosing 96 teachers who worked in different schools covering all the socio economic strata of Barranquilla, Colombia. These teachers mathematical thinking was obtained through the following instruments: semi structured interviews and questionnaires, which are the base of this article, describing the beliefs and usual practices in teaching mathematics to pre school children. To do this, a model was built based on aspects of reflective and traditional teacher, parents role and practice, beliefs about mathematics, beliefs about language, institution and beliefs about the child and his/ her learning. This research just as international ones reveals that there is the deeply rooted belief that mathematics is confined to the concepts of number and quantity over all other concepts. It is worth to point out that, insteadof the use of different strategies, these do not give an aggregate value to mathematical contents.


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Author Biographies

Karina Fernández, Universidad Del Norte.

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte.

Iveth Gutiérrez, Universidad Del Norte. 

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte. 


Margarita Gómez, Universidad Del Norte.

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte.


Leonor Jaramillo

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte.

Manuela Orozco, Universidad del Norte

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte. 



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