Towards an effective solution of conflicts in University classrooms: examples through the cooperative debate.

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María Martínez Lirola


The University of the XXI century should give answers to the demands of society and consequently, there should be a relationship between what is taught in the classrooms and real life. For this reason, this article intends to contribute to the way that working with a cooperative methodology at the University allows students acquire social competences such as conflict solving. The debate will be presented as a cooperative activity that highlights the acquisition of different competences such as communication, leadership, cooperation and conflict solving. The different conflicts that took place in this activity will be presented; moreover, different ways to solve the conflicts will also be offered so that students consider conflicts as an opportunity to learn.


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Author Biography

María Martínez Lirola, Universidad de Alicante

Doctora en Filología Inglesa, Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Research Fellow, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, University of South Africa (UNISA).


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