Writing circles and regulation strategies in thesis students of the Master's Degree in Education of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia)

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Gloria Esperanza Bernal Ramirez
Emilce Moreno Mosquera
Laura Liliana Zarate Aranda


Academic writing presents challenges for graduate students, as they are immersed in practices of production and distribution of knowledge typical of the disciplines, hence the importance of mediating the entry into these academic cultures. Precisely, the writing circle is constituted as a mechanism to incorporate students of the master's degree in education in the dynamics of criticism and knowledge generation, as they are spaces for collaborative reflection focused on the joint revision of texts within the framework of their thesis. This article aims to analyze the development of the writing circle, explore the formulation of comments on thesis writing and feedback. For this purpose, a mixed methodology was developed, in which the quantitative results of Hilda Difabio's (2012) writing inventory were taken into account to understand the strategies that thesis writers declare to use and to confront these with the comments and the progress of the thesis. Likewise, the feedback provided in the circle is analyzed in some texts; this analysis is contrasted with the final discussion group that accounts for the impact of the experience. The findings indicate that at the end of the circle the students engage in a series of self-regulatory strategies to assume the writing of the thesis and hence the collaborative work is positively valued, which affects the quality of the texts and the confidence of the thesis writers.


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Dossier de Escritura en Investigación
Author Biography

Gloria Esperanza Bernal Ramirez, Docente Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Gloria Esperanza Bernal Ramírez holds a master's degree in Information Technology applied to education from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia) and a degree in Philology and Languages from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She has been a teacher trainer in the area of language for 23 years and has developed research in different fields related to language. She is part of the research group In novum educatio, Category B (MInciencias), of the Faculty of Education of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.



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