The approach of contextual situations to solve problems and decisions

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Nidia Yaneth Torres Merchan


This paper describes a teaching strategy to enhance in middle school students from a school in the city of Tunja the ability of problem-solving and decision making in everyday situations, from the chemistry class. A diagnosis is made using HCTAES test (Halpern, 1998) and activities were designed to articulate the chemical concepts with critical thinking skills, as well as to establish learning tool that establishes a significant relationship between the learning of chemistry with everyday situations.


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Author Biography

Nidia Yaneth Torres Merchan

Licenciada en biología y química, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Magíster en docencia de la química, universidad pedagógica nacional. Bogotá. Docente facultad de ciencias de la educación, universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de colombia (uptc).


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